Thursday, 8 November 2018

You can’t have hygge without candles!

Candles for hygge
The Danes allegedly burn more candles per person than any other nation – and that’s all to do with hygge.

If hygge (pronounced 'hue-ugh') has passed you by, let’s explain that it is the Danish idea of being comfortable and cosy. It has been something of an international lifestyle and fashion trend over the past two or three years. It’s all good (we reckon) but maybe slightly over-hyped (which is definitely not hygge!).

And whenever you hear about hygge, you soon end up hearing about candles. In the winter, the Danes burn them all day long to create a cosy, welcoming lighting for the room (we’re talking about home here, not the office – but there’s a thought…). In summer they come in handy for light once the long days come to an end. Apparently you just can't have hygge without candles!

And have you noticed how often there is a candlelit garden, teamed with twinkling lights and an open fire in romantic comedies? This could be a ploy by Hollywood to tap into our desire to have more 'hygge'.

Candles provide a more natural light than electricity. In Danish they are called levende lys which means “living light”. After a day under the strip lights of the office, shop or factory, levende lys provides a definite change of style.

But hygge is more than candles, of course. You can make your home more hygge with smart, minimal and intentional design. "Less is more" is the unofficial hygge motto. So, if you’re thinking about how to make your home more hygge, ask yourself, "Does this piece of furniture or item make me feel more relaxed or cosy?" If not, consider moving it or giving it away!

And your lifestyle can be more hygge if you ‘chill out’. Stop rushing about. Relax.

When you get home tonight, light some candles, wrap yourself up in a blanket and drink a warming cup of hot chocolate. Happy hygge!