Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Art’s in the heart.

We all like to look at pictures, don’t we? There’s nothing worse than a room with magnolia walls with nothing to look at. Plain walls cry out for artwork to make them more interesting and the room more comforting and inviting. They are a blank canvass on which you can express yourself.

Buying a new home gives you a chance to project your personality in a fresh new way. Most of us think that as well as livening up our living rooms, the artwork we choose says something about our interests and personalities. So, what do the artwork and accessories you choose to decorate your home with say about you?

Do you prefer figurative, more traditional pictures or something more abstract? According to some studies, if you prefer traditional images you are more likely to be more conservative. You prefer order, predictability and see arguments and debate in ‘black and white’ terms.

If you choose to decorate using abstract images you’re more likely to be a sensation seeker. Those of us who are agreeable and conscientious prefer impressionist style works – images by Van Gough, Monet or Gaugin say. The more extrovert among us prefer cubist style pictures. You’re more likely to be open minded but controversial in your outlook.

If you are a family person you’re more likely to adorn your walls with pictures of your family in art frames that complement the colour scheme you have chosen.

Are you the creative type? If so, you are more than likely to use your own work to create a warm and inviting living space.

You can project any image of yourself that you like through what art you choose. Whatever your personality and interests, there is so much choice available that you will have no trouble personalising your new Larkfleet Home.

The most important thing to remember when you are looking for art and accessories to make your home your own is to have fun!

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